"Vote vote for Miss Rheingold, the beer that is so extra dry.
Vote vote for Miss Rheingold, the babe so many millions try."
Well it went something like that anyway. Certainly the Miss Rheingold contest was one of the great events of my childhood. Especially the day me, my mother, and the Mills girls went to the Bergen Mall to see the contestants for this great honour. It was 1962.
I remember the seven contestants were all in the Sunday papers. Everyone had their opinions. I forget who I liked but I know she lost.
One day my mother announced that the contestants for the Miss Rheingold pageant were going to be a the Bergen Mall. Anybody want to come to see them?
My poor father had to work that day, so my mother, the Mills girls, my brother and I don't remember who else went to the Bergen Mall for the historic event. At the entrance to the shrine were thousands of people all awaiting the arrival of the girls. Then suddenly, a huge engine noise. Six motorcycles, ten police cars, and there they were.
A magnificent convertible and there sat the contestants for the great award. They got out of the car. What marvelous skirts! The older Mills girls said. My older brother was told to close his mouth before the insects attacked his tongue.